Compilation Styles

Happy Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp students

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Cambodian Children’s Fund students win scholarships to Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp

Students from impoverished areas of Cambodia have been awarded the gift of education via a partnership between the Cambodian Children's Fund and Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp

Meet visiting professor Ron Paterson

Ron Paterson, Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Auckland, shares details of his July 2023 visit to Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp, and his work on major health reviews in Australia and New Zealand.

Trinity alum the Revd Dr John Deane awarded the Lambeth Award from the Archbishop of Canterbury

Congratulations to John Deane, who has received the Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion.

Meet Admissions Coordinator Wendy Ngaturi

Wendy shares a pivotal moment in her life, the best advice she's been given and the many things she wanted to be growing up.

Hugo Jordan on why there's no 'best thing' about Trinity

Hugo Jordan graduated from high school in Adelaide in 2020, took a gap year, then looked at his options for uni life. He landed on the University of Melbourne and Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp, and discovered that Trinity really does have something for everyone.

Meet Academic Programs Manager Michael Pickering

Dr Michael Pickering tells us his favourite TV shows, the most valuable advice he's received, and what he would go back and tell his 18-year-old self.
Displaying results 49 - 54 of 106

NEWS Compilation List View

Meet our new Senior Student Lucie Griffin

Lucie Griffin has been named our incoming Senior Student for 2022–23. Our Senior Student heads up Trinity's residential student association, the TCAC. Congratulations, Lucie!

Sarah Bickford on pushing through fear and moving interstate – for great reward

Sarah Bickford made the move from Cairns to Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp, Melbourne, wanting to push herself out of her comfort zone. Though she was nervous about the move, her leap of faith paid off.

Will introverts enjoy college? Absolutely – just ask Steven

As an introvert, Steven Banh wasn’t sure if college life was for him – and he knew that paying full-price college fees was out of the question for someone in his financial position. However, a scholarship and a ‘give everything a go’ attitude saw him land on his feet.

Q&A with Trinity Chaplain Luke Hopkins

Father Luke Hopkins took on Trinity's chaplaincy role in 2022. Here he shares his path to becoming ordained and how he serves our community.

Yifei Wang on using artificial intelligence to save lives

In line with National Senior Citizens Day on 21 August 2022, Foundation Studies alum Yifei Wang (TCFS 2013) tells us about his new venture CaptureLive, which aims to reduce the fatality of falls in elderly populations with the help of AI. Tragically, it was built off the back of a personal experience.

Who was Barry Marshall?

On 6 September 2022 we will be holding the annual Barry Marshall theology lecture. The event, which includes a memorial eucharist and lecture, is held near the anniversary of Barry’s death and attracts an eminent speaker in theology each year. But who exactly was Barry Marshall?

Alum Ethan Taylor awarded prestigious Charlie Perkins scholarship

Warumungu man Ethan Taylor (TC 2018) is one of two talented Indigenous Australians to be awarded a prestigious Charlie Perkins scholarship in 2022 to study at Oxford University.

Louis Dai – meet the Trinity student turned filmmaker

Securing a scholarship to attend Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp is an important part of Louis Dai’s life story. Now, because of the experiences and connections he made at Trinity, Louis spends his life telling other people’s stories.

Ada Senyurt on how living at Trinity reminds of her upbringing in Turkey

Ada Senyurt moved to Australia from Turkey when she was in year 9 and craved a community-based way of living. That’s exactly what she found when she joined Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵapp in 2022.

Meet Foundation Studies teacher Alicia Coram

Dr Alicia Coram explains why she loves philosophy and prompts us to look up the cute but lesser-known Australian animal that looks like an anime character.

Neurosurgeon Kate Drummond on how faith and medicine can intersect

Neurosurgeon Professor Kate Drummond discusses the gender disparity in the field of surgery and the role her religious beliefs play in her life.

Meet Admissions Coordinator Georgia O'Connor

Dr Georgia O'Connor shares her love of history and a pivotal moment in her life that propelled her forward.

How Edwina Crozier transitioned from farm life to college life

Edwina Crozier’s childhood involved riding motorbikes, playing sport and enjoying country freedoms on her family’s farm. But when it came to expanding her educational opportunities, building her confidence and growing her network, she knew a city change was on the cards.

Yale Cheng – making the most of every opportunity

While at Hale School in Perth, Yale Cheng was taught to seize every opportunity that came his way. And once he hit college, the opportunities just kept coming.

Meet Foundation Studies teacher Monique Dalgleish

Dr Monique Dalgleish shares her experience of moving to Chile and Venezuela as well as her advice to students thinking about studying at Trinity.
Displaying results 121 - 135 of 954